
Hi All,

As part of my work experience as a Quality Assurance Consultant, I have written and authored selenium automation scripts for the UI.

In the summer of 2017, I had performed my summer internship at Deloitte, working as a Software Quality Assurance Intern.

As part of my Graduate Masters Curriculum, our assignments consisted of projects with Python, MATLAB and C Programming Languages.

I have done assignments with MATLAB for different machine learning algorithms, Embedded C for real-time low latency embedded systems and C++ programming with openCV libraries for Computer Vision.

My projects have included

  1. C++ Embedded client-router-server with openSSL support
  2. Arrythmia diagnosis from ECG waveform with Latent Semantic Analysis
  3. Side profile face detection using Cascade classifier with HOG features detector
  4. Supervised and deep learning techniques for multivariate classification of product sales based on recommendations and LSTM-RNN

As part of my summer 2016 internship, I was working in the Eldercare Lab, part of the University of Missouri Engineering Division.
Alongside the team of other researchers, I have been involved in coding Unix bash scripts and working on C++ programming with Open CV and mysql libraries for the kinect v1 and LEPTON PureThermal USB camera.
I had successfully cross compiled Windows code to Unix for the fall detection of kinect using Visual Studio IDE. I had also been involved with modifying PHP- webpages with the Visual Studio IDE to reflect real time NAGIOS sever status via the mySQL DB. I had also created Java scripts to test the remote DB connection.

As part of handling the above coding tasks, I have made few contributions and helped resolve few issues, which I have mentioned below:

As part of compiling VLFeat source code on latest MS Visual Studio-2015, have resolved the Mex compilation issue.

VLFEAT issue resolution
MATLAB mex compilation issue

As part of coding the combined C++ program for the kinect depth camera and USB thermal camera on openCV, I have made below changes to the openCV code to support rawstream from the thermal camera via UVC libraries, and helped resolve few compilation issues.

Github Custom openCV repo for enhanced bit rate capture
Github Custom openCV repo for enhanced bit rate recording
Github PureThermal

My current research project involves working with a team involved with respiration detection using the Kinect Depth camera, and implementation of Murata embedded bed sensors for data collection

Participated in Mizzou TigerHacks Hackathon for project "NÜZVÜZ". As part of college hackathon, participated in project that referenced the news API and returned location specific news. After the initial project, for v3.0, I hosted the frontend react and backend node server between aws virtual host and Google cloud, and setup a load balancing configuration with nginix load balancer with SSL generated by Lets Encrypt.


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University Of Missouri
Columbia- MO- 65211